Monday, November 3, 2008

Urban- My perspective

There are many different ways I can describe urban in a photo. "Urban" is a story, a multi faceted view of life. I am hoping to capturing the many different perspectives this week in the photos that I post to fotothing account. I wanted to post a couple of initial shots for you guys to look at and critique early one this week. You all are with me on the journey this week. I hope that my photos at the end of the week would have improved in either technique and story. For the first shot I have taken a bus and shot it at an unusual angle. I love the reflection in the bus taking the world around them and capturing it in a moving object. I wanted to capture the destination of the bus as well, and the architecture around it. My second shot is of the signage downtown. I love the different directions and messages that the signs are illustrating. I call this photo, "Which way is up?"


nikkiturtle said...

Genese, the bus shot is really an awesome perspective and the reflection just gives another view of the buildings in the city. I love it!

Michael Hasiotis said...

I am suprised that the bus actaully says it's going to Walmart. Does it also stop at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?

nikkiturtle said...

that's funny Michael, i didn't even see that! LOL

Jerry said...

Thanks for leading the way... Both are excellent shots... I can see you are looking at your environment from a "visual" point of view... Perfect.

tracy said...

I like the various colors in the bottom shot. The red in the street sign really stands out and makes it interesting. The top picture is a cool angle too. It takes a minute to realize it is a bus! Very nice!!

Gwen said...

Love the neon, and shift in angle.