Saturday, November 22, 2008

Light and Shadow

This week I had a bit of trouble being inspired. It was hard for me to find things in my everyday routine that I could get excited about photographing. After a long day of work today (SATURDAY!) I can home and walked in the house inspired by what I was seeing. Maybe I was so happy to be home that my emotions changed my perspective. I'm not sure, but here are a couple which I feel capture the assignment best. I have more pics on my fotothing (, but I more to add. I can only do 5 at a time (what a drag!)

1 comment:

Jerry said...

That's how the process works... when you are in your routine... there isn't much perception going on... That's why it's important to set aside a special time for yourself.... Then again, when the mind is open, you never know when you'll get hit over the head as evidenced by these two images.... nice!