Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 5... The Macro Project....

Welcome to week 5.... This week, I'd like you to push the limit on how close you can get with your camera... Here are some tips...

-Generally, you need to set your camera to macro mode.. each camera is different some need to go through the menu and others have a button or dial... the usual symbol for macro mode is a tulip though....

-Now move in very close and fill the frame ... go right up to the edge of what your camera can do... Make it sharp!

-If you don't set your camera to macro, your picture will be out of focus...if you go closer than your camera manual suggests, then it will also be out of focus....

-Don't just take a picture "of" something... create a new reality or spirit....

These are a couple I worked on myself...... Fading mini sunflowers... As you start to throw away flowers... stop and look to see what's there.....


Jen said...

these are so cool - i love them!!

Jerry said...

Thanks Jen!