Monday, November 17, 2008

Attendance Reminder

The College is strictly enforcing an attendance policy that requires me to take attendance twice a week and record it in campus cruiser.  The registrar's office sweeps through that record and makes a permanent record of that attendance log on a weekly basis...  As this blog is the classroom, each Monday morning, I look for two posts on this blog from you for the period from Monday through Sunday night at Midnight...  If I see one post, I put down 1 P (present) and 1 A (absent)....remember that you should be checking in here regularly, visiting each other's fotothing portfolios and posting twice a week here as well as to your ownportfolio... 

1 comment:

Mangler said...

Jerry, Does the 1 post of our 2 best photos and the 6-10 photos on fotothing count as the twice a week? Or do you want 2 posting on the blog for each assignment as well as the fotothing?
