Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One of my favorite places to be: the beach! There is something so calming about the beach as the sun is setting. It puts me at ease. I just had to capture the moment, or at least try.


mneak said...

I neglected to write the technical problems. I had my camera on Macro when I was taking a picture of the shells. It is a little out of focus because of the angle it was taken from. I tried to snap shots away from the sun so the picture won't come out dark. The reflection of the sun on the water gave the picture a lot of light.

Jerry said...

Right... what's not to love about the beach? It must have something to do with the way we originally crawled out of the oceans at some point way back in our history.

Jen said...

I love the rocks and shells - is that Hamo?

tracy said...

The shells are so pretty - I like the colors in the picture a lot1

Gwen said...

I love the shells, and the color contrast and balance in that photograph. The second photograph is particularly striking in its rock composition.

Gwen said...

At fuller size, the rock photograph shows terrific light and shadow, and glistening detail!

mneak said...

These pictures were taken at Seaside Park.

srgalvan said...

Your pictures are awesome!