Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hey everyone! I was lost for a bit but i had the good advice from Jerry - THANKS!

This is a fun pic I took at the Metropolitan museum in new york. I was looking into this large circle of reflectors and i sort of felt like a fly! I kind of look like one too!

I really love the photos i have seen already from you guys. It is such a great art form isn't it?


Michael Hasiotis said...

Very nice. It does look like you are looking from the flies eyes. Looking at all the different types of pictures that are taken it gives you a new perspective on how to look at subjects. I know I have a long way to go and it will be a fun one.

Jerry said...

wow... I love the picture.

Welcome to class!

Jen said...

that's an awesome self-portrait! very inspiring... i wish i could get out of work right now and start shooting!

Anonymous said...

This is such a cool picture!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a really cool picture Nicole! So, I noticed that you, like myself, created your own blog at first on your profile. HAHA. I had a hard time figuring this out, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it!! :-)