Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just checking in...

Hi All,

Just wanted to check in with everything.  I've signed up on Fotothing and uploaded a few older pics I've taken as testers... http://www.fotothing.com/jplyman/  Hopefully that link works for you guys.  Working on some self portraits, but will probably post this weekend when I have better daytime hours available for lighting.  This work thing is killing me :)

Here's to a mod full of awesome pics!!



Jerry said...

Hi Jen... welcome to class!

Thanks for posting the link to your Fotothing account. You're off to a great start.

Natrece said...

My name is Natreece Mayes. I am confused on what a Fotothing accountis. It took me almost two hours just to post my self image and I had to send two posts just to accomplish that task. One posting was my picture and the other posting was my introduction to the class. Help!