Monday, October 27, 2008


"By George I think I've got it!" I've created my account on and now have successfully joined the blog (which is my first time blogging!) I can't wait to learn some new moves in this class. I'm relatively new to the photography and digital art world; however, I feel like I'm just waiting to explode with photographic magic! Jerry, I'm sorry for calling you ALREADY! I won't make it a habit. I've uploaded a couple self portraits. Let me know what yo think. I'd love to read your comments.


nikkiturtle said...

Fantastic photos. So creative. What a vision!

Jerry said...

Photoshop is so very powerful... you are off to a great start in that you already understand that filling the frame is important and it is all about light.

Jen said...

love those photos! im still working and thinking about mine.

Anonymous said...

Very cool pictures!!!

a.Nailah said...

I Luv it Genese!!!!!!!! beautiful and super creative!!!